Zeal Monachorum Competition
St Peter’s Church, Zeal Monachorum
Dear Tower Captain,
The bell ringer’s of Zeal Monachorum invite you to our ringing competition on Saturday, 26th August 2017.
There will be two sections:
Section A competing for a shield and four certificates
Section B competing for a cup and four certificates.
1. The first fifteen teams to reply will be accepted
2. Teams will be able to choose their preferred ringing time on a first come, first served basis at 20 minute intervals, the last ring will be at 7.40pm
3. Competing teams are expected to be regular church service ringers for the team they are representing.
4. Entrance fee å£6.00 per team
5. Teams to ring the peal "sixty on thirds"
6. The duration of the peal, including rise and fall, shall not be less than 15 minutes