DAR Safeguarding Policy
Ringing is an activity which unites individuals both young and old, enriching those of all ages who know and respect each other for their abilities as both ringers and individuals. In that ethos, The Devon Association of Ringers is committed to the protection of the young and vulnerable and will ensure that in all events run by the Association and at all Towers the welfare and protection of such groups is of paramount concern.
The policies set out in this document (downloadable below) apply to all Association events, Towers and all members. This policy has been approved by the Committee and will be reviewed annually or more frequently should a change in legislation require this.
In particular, Tower Captains and DAR Officers should familiarise themselves with this policy and associated documents. Tower Captains should further familiarise themselves with their own Church and Diocesan requirements. All ringers are urged to absorb these policies and associated guidance so they become part of the normal way that ringing is organised.
This policy is not exhaustive. It is important that we remain vigilant to the possibilities of abuse at all times and in the many forms that it can take.