Sampford Courtenay Competition
Sampford Courtenay Competition
28th July 2018
Dear Tower Captains,
By kind permission of the Church Wardens, the ringers of Sampford Courtenay wish to invite you to take part in a competition on the 28th July 2018.
All times will be agreed on a “first come first serve” basis from:
2pm 2:20pm 2:40pm
3pm 3:20pm 3:40pm
4:30pm Tea break for Judges
5pm 5:20pm 5:40pm
6pm 6:20pm 6:40pm
Results will be given at 7:30pm in the church rooms where tea will be available throughout the afternoon.
Teams are to ring “Sixty on Thirds” in no less than 15 minutes.
The entry fee for each team enter will be £6, payable on the day.
No ringer to ring more than twice.
No practice allowed.
Sampford Courtenay Bell Ringers and The PCC will not be liable in the event of injury during this event.
Judge’s decision if final.
To enter please contact Stuart Bennie – 07796106708
Whilst in the area, Colebrooke are holding an open day as part of their re-dedication weekend. They are 13cwt so perhaps and ideal warm-up.
For more details and to book a slot please contact Fred Oliver 01363 84419. Slots available 3pm-6pm.