Publicity Volume 1 2021
2021 Volume 1 A brief update of activities of the Devon Association of Bellringers Committee.
The AGM in November. The minutes of the 2019 AGM and the three committee meetings held by Zoom in 2020 were approved.
[1] Sue Ashton is to serve a second year as the President because of the restrictions of Covid preventing all but the Novices Competition taking place. Keith Bavin remains the President Elect.
[2] John Lagdon was elected as the Competition Secretary South on the retirement of William Carew.
[3] John Staddon was elected as the Publicity Officer.
[4] The decision to keep the Tower Affiliation at £15 was approved in anticipation of the Centenary Celebration in 2025.
[5] The report by the Association Treasurer Chris Ley was presented and approved with a surplus of £5557.05 carried forward. £3050 was also donated to the Devon Bell Restoration Fund. The annual draw was cancelled due to Coronavirus restrictions
The Committee Meeting on February 18th The minutes of the September meeting were approved.
[1] Charles Conibear was elected as the Association Safeguarding Officer.
[2] Graham Sharland and John Dietz are the Associations Bell Advisors. Towers can request help and advice from them on any aspect relating to their bells by contacting the Association Secretary on .
[3] The next edition of Devon Calls will be a bumper one and due to be posted to all affiliated towers within the next couple of weeks. To ensure you receive yours if you have not yet affiliated please contact the Association Treasurer on . The Association wishes to extend their thanks to all associated with producing Devon Calls, the Editor, Colin Adams and his team, the proof readers, the type- setters and all those who have contributed articles for this edition.
[4] Long Service Awards. Several nominations were made and will be considered. Should any tower wish to nominate a Ringer for either a 50, a 60 or a 70 year award please send details to the Hon Secretary Jo Tucker on before the next Committee Meeting.
[6] After much discussion, and as a result of the continuing situation imposed by the Coronavirus restrictions, it was decided to cancel all Competitions of the Association in March, May and June. The possibility of holding all the Six Bell Competitions later in the year will be discussed at the Committee’s next meeting on June 17th. The Eight Bell Competition planned for September has not been cancelled.
Please address any comments / requests, prior to the next Committee Meeting, to the Secretary.