Ide Competition – April 4th 2020

The ringers of St Ida’s Church, Ide invite you to enter our six bell ringing competition to be held on Saturday 4th April 2020.

The Delve Shield and 1st certificate.
The Stan Moore Memorial cup and 2nd certificate.
3rd and 4th certificate.

The Centenary Cup and four certificates.

All teams to ring ‘sixty on thirds’, the duration of the peal to be not less than 15 minutes.

Entrance fee: £6.00 per team.

The Church Council and the Bellringers will not be held responsible for any accident which may occur during this event.

Light refreshments will be available in the church.

The number of teams may be limited.

Times for ringing can be arranged with:
Simon Tucker
Tel: (01392) 215237
Mobile: 07885 281856

Ide Bellringing Competition is open to teams of all standards.  If you can rise, fall and ring the peal 60 on thirds why not come along and have a go.  We look forward to meeting you.